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Keep the Retreat Center a possible place on #GivingTuesday

The videos from Retreats Change Lives are about encounters that people have with God, other people, themselves. All are amazing, special, courageous. This collection of personal stories posted on the Jesuit Retreat Center social media outlets will continue through #GivingTuesday, November 30.

One common theme is gratitude that the Jesuit Retreat Center is a possible place. Fr. Tom Weston remarked at the Retreat Change Lives Kick Off on November 8 that JRC makes it possible to get permission to pray, talk, not talk, study…or just sleep. He made a point of saying to anyone that comes for a 2-day, 5-day or even a 30-day retreat, “It’s worth the time. It’s worth the energy. It’s worth the investment.”

Almost everyone who comes to the Retreat House agrees.

For every workshop or retreat, whether for individuals or a group of 100, there is considerable planning and organizing. The clergy and spiritual directors who meet with the retreatants, administrative staff who take reservations, kitchen and housecleaning staff who prepare the food and make sure the rooms are comfortable and clean. They all help make it possible.

Each day, JRC has been posting videos of people telling how a JRC retreat changed their lives. Watch these videos and discover the impact the Retreat Center has had on so many. Then consider coming for a retreat for the first time or 100th time. Allow for the possibilities that JRC has for you.

Show your support with a donation on – or before – #GivingTuesday. Visit Retreats Change Lives to contribute. Help keep the Retreat Center of Los Altos a possible place.

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