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Directed Retreats & Private Retreats

About Directed Retreats

The summer directed retreat program include the 30-day Retreat of the Spiritual Exercises, three 8-day Directed Retreats, and the Contemplative 8-day Retreat.  These retreats are silent with times for prayers, reflection, and renewal.  Every retreatant will have a spiritual director.  Click below for more information on the retreats and to register.  You will also need to fill out one of the retreat applications below:

Click here for the 30-day Spiritual Exercises

Click here for the 8-day Direct Retreats

Click here for the Contemplative 8-day Retreat

Individually Directed Retreat and Private Retreat


You can arrange for a personally directed retreat or a private retreat as your schedule allows during the year.  An Individually Directed Retreat (IDR) is a silent retreat that provides quiet time for rest, prayer, and reflection.  A spiritual director will meet with you daily and help guide your retreat experience.  For a private retreat, you will be on your own without having a spiritual director.

These retreats have a two-night minimum stay and can be as long as 8 days or even 30 days can be arranged for the full Spiritual Exercises.

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