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We have ended our first week of 2023 and many have already started the traditional New Year's Resolution.

I was blessed to have attended our last JRC retreat of 2022! With gratitude I facilitated a vision board activity with fellow retreatants.

A New Year’s Resolutions focus often “takes” something away to achieve goals. Definition of a resolution (from English Oxford Living a resolve is defined as a firm decision; the action of solving a problem. Many grudgingly attempt to reach their goals.

Life is to be enjoyed as we aspire to obtain our hopes and dreams.

Vision boards give a clear intuitive direction. It is a visualization tool that brings pictures, and motivational cues on paper to help create dreams and goals. We are inspired, as we visualize our goals! Definition of a vision board (from English Oxford Living a collage of images and words representing a person’s wishes or goals, intended to serve as inspiration or motivation.

Set your intentions on positivity for yourselves!


When INspired, we are unstoppable

The body, mind, and soul motivate

With God withIN we integrate

And NOW we begin to create.

I smile as I reminisce about our afternoon. New Year Eve’s Day 2022. Envision with me…the rain pouring down. The majestic view from the Gellert Rotunda. A warm room filled with curious adults enjoying themselves with an afternoon of creativity. Soft music, giggles, laughter, the ripping of magazines pages, the sharing of inspirational stickers, tidbits, and ideas. God lit up the room! ✨✨✨💫

A few hours later fellow retreatants were now chatty friends sharing their masterpieces with one another. It was lovely to watch the depth of caring discernment from all. These special vision boards are empowered by a loving, and powerful fellowship!

“Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts” (Proverbs 4:23).

Pray. Dream BIG!

Happy & Blessed New Year 2023 to all!

Janine How

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