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All Programs

Virtual Retreats

We are offering various online retreats on Zoom for those who cannot attend the retreats in person during the pandemic closure or for other reasons. These virtual retreats will include presentations, times for personal prayers and reflections, and small group sharing.

Overnight and Weekend Retreats

These retreats provide a longer time to slow down, pray and reflect upon what matters most in your life and finding God in all things. Compelling speakers and relevant subject matter allow for an engaging multi-day experience. These retreats include accommodations, all meals and the program.

Daytime Retreats

We host day retreats for prayer, renewal and reflection. Some include Ignatius Day, an Art and Journaling workshop, Ash Wednesday, and the Busy Person’s Day of Retreat.  These are led by our pastoral team, spiritual directors, faith leaders, or special guest hosts.

Evening Retreats

Evening programs offer a time for peace, reflection and prayer after the busyness of your day.  They can include inspiring talks related to the challenges of daily life, compelling movies and engaging conversations.